The TCA is proud to announce its 35th Annual Concrete Excellence Awards Program. The purpose of the awards is to honor outstanding concrete projects, and those who designed and built them across the state of Tennessee. Award winners are honored at Tennessee Concrete Association's Annual Convention Award Luncheon where they receive an award plaque and go on to receive statewide recognition in Tennessee Concrete magazine's annual annual awards issue. One category winner will be announced as the Grand Prize Winner for the most outstanding project among all the winning projects.
The awards luncheon will take place on Thursday, February 9, 2023, at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs.
Deadline is Dec. 15th, 2022!
The TCA Emerald Award For Environmental Excellence is returning and will be presented annually to the TCA producer member plant that has best demonstrated environmental excellence and innovative management. TCA strives to recognize the overall stewardship and environmental efforts of our member companies through this annual award.
Go Directly to TCA Emerald Award for Environmental Excellence Application Here!

TCA joins NRMCA’s Concrete Cares Award to Celebrate the Softer Side of Concrete!
NRMCA’s Concrete Cares Award recognizes the everyday work member companies perform to serve home towns nationwide.This year, TCA will award a Tennessee Softer Side of Concrete Award for members of TCA who submit entries. We encourage ALL members to enter TCA's Softer Side State Award competition! For TCA members who are also members of NRMCA, your entries will also be forwarded to NRMCA's National contest, regardless of whether you win at the TCA level. THE DEADLINE FOR THIS IS DEC. 15th, 2022!
To Submit an Application for the TCA & NRMCA Softer Side of Concrete Award, Click Here!
TCA Emerald Award for Environmental Excellence: (1 Plaque & 1 Awards Lunch Ticket awarded to Plant Operator: additional plaques and Awards Lunch Tickets may be purchased)
The TCA Emerald Award For Environmental Excellence is presented annually to the TCA producer member plant that has best demonstrated environmental excellence and innovative management. TCA strives to recognize the overall stewardship and environmental efforts of our member companies through this annual award. We proudly recognize TCA Producer Members who:
Make outstanding contributions to preserving and protecting the environment.
Exhibit environmental leadership for the ready mixed concrete industry.
Maintain sound environmental management practices in their operations.
Install state-of-the-art environmental equipment and/or implement environmentally friendly plant procedure.
The Emerald Award will be granted for each of the following plant production categories:
Small: 25,000 YD3 or less
Mid: 25,001 – 75,000 YD3
Large: 75,001 YD3 or more
Go Directly to TCA Emerald Award for Environmental Excellence Application Here!
Design and Lifetime Achievement Categories:
LIFETIME HALL OF FAME NOMINATION: (1 Plaque & 1 Awards Lunch Ticket awarded to Inductee: additional plaques and Awards Lunch Tickets may be purchased)
This award is intended to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the concrete industry in Tennessee over a period of many years. More than one person may be inducted in any given year, or no one may be selected. Persons nominated do not have to be retired, but service to the industry over a number of years is a primary consideration for this award. To nominate an individual, please submit the entry form and give a short written explanation in the space provided of why you believe the individual deserves consideration. A committee consisting of the TCA Immediate Past President and the current TCA Executive Committee will review all nominations for the year and make their selections, if any. A digital picture must also be included with the submission.
AMBASSADOR AWARD This year it includes Mixer Operators, Plant Managers, Production, and Sales/Marketing: (2 Plaques awarded: Employee Award Winner & Ready Mix Producer. Additional plaques may be purchased. 1 Awards Lunch Ticket awarded to Employee Award Winner. Additional Lunch Tickets may be purchased.)
To recognize concrete professionals who represent the front line of every ready mixed concrete company. The number of Ambassadors selected each year will depend upon the number and quality of submissions. Ambassadors and their stories may be featured on the TCA website. Requirements for this category are as follows:
Anyone – employer, customer, owner, supplier – can nominate a concrete professional for this honor.
Work for a TCA member company.
Up to 3 concrete professionals from the same company may be submitted.
The entry should describe how this person makes your company special to your customers as well as to those within your organization and your local community.
Pictures must be submitted in digital format only. Up to 3 pictures allowed.
ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AWARD: (Plaques awarded: Architect, Engineer, Ready Mix Producer & Concrete Contractor. Additional plaques may be purchased. 1 Awards Lunch Ticket awarded to Architect or Engineer. Additional Lunch Tickets may be purchased later.)
Architect/Engineer - Commercial Buildings
Architect/Engineer - Non-Building Structures (Bridges, Dams, Stadiums, etc.)
Architect/Engineer - Residential
CONTRACTOR AWARD: (Plaques awarded: Concrete Contractor, Ready Mix Producer, & Project Owner. Additional plaques may be purchased. 1 Awards Lunch Ticket awarded to Concrete Contractor. Additional Lunch Tickets may be purchased later.)
Best Finishing - Residential Decorative Exterior
Best Finishing - Residential Decorative Interior
Best Finishing - Commercial
Best Finishing - Commercial Decorative
Best Finishing - Artisan
Best Roller Compacted Concrete
Best Pervious Concrete
Specialty (Flowable Fill, ICF, Tilt Up, etc.)
PRECAST AWARD: (2 Plaques awarded: Project Owner (receives Lunch Ticket) & Ready Mix Producer. Additional plaques may be purchased. 1 Awards Lunch Ticket awarded to Project Owner. Additional Lunch Tickets may be purchased later.)
Precast - Building Structure
Precast - Transportation Structure
Precast - Specialty
READY MIXED CONCRETE AWARD: (3 Plaques awarded: General Contractor, Concrete Contractor & Ready Mix Producer. Additional plaques may be purchased. 1 Awards Lunch Ticket each awarded to General Contractor and Concrete Contractor. Additional Lunch Tickets may be purchased later.)
Best Concrete Home
Best Concrete Parking Lot
Best Pervious Concrete Parking Lot