Be Pro Be Proud TN
TCA's Workforce Initiative
Be Pro Be Proud is a cutting-edge technical career initiative connecting students, parents, and educators to skilled technical professions. Started in Arkansas, the program has proven to be a successful tool to enhance knowledge around these in-demand careers, and TCA has partnered with them, and other industry leaders, to bring this experience to Tennessee. Be Pro Be Proud TN officially launched in October 2023, and TCA is one of seven founding partners for the initiative. Be Pro Be Proud TN will be making its way through our great state in our custom truck that includes a CDL driving simulator (sponsored by TCA, with several ready mix truck driving scenarios), two heavy equipment simulators, agricultural simulator, welding station and several other virtual stations that focus on construction industry career opportunities. The truck travels to schools and organizations in Tennessee and gives students the opportunity to engage in these hands-on workforce workshops.
The Impact
Since it's launch in October 2023, the Be Pro Be Proud TN truck has traveled to 30 schools and organizations, impacting over 4,649 students. Over 147 people have joined the movement, and we’re excited to see these numbers grow in 2024. We already have numerous stops planned for 2024 – check out the Be Pro Be Proud TN Tour Schedule here. Note that the TCA 2024 Annual Convention is one of the Tour stops.
Be Pro Be Proud TN in the news:
Our Involvement
TCA didn’t just support the launch of Be Pro Be Proud TN, we’ve helped to keep the momentum going by getting our staff and members involved. We’ve also helped to spread the word about Be Pro Be Proud TN through our website, socials and email marketing efforts. We created a page on our website dedicated to teaching TCA members and community members about the initiative. Most importantly, TCA has created a custom section of our website to take interested high school students directly to TCA member companies in their area who are hiring.
This page includes helpful information, pictures and links so people can book a free Be Pro Be Proud TN truck stop at their school or organization. We consistently promote Be Pro Be Proud TN content on our socials and emails, and make sure to regularly post the tour schedule so our members can stop by and visit the truck when it’s in their city. Visiting the truck gives members the opportunity to engage with students, teachers and their community.